Mental Health

Myths And Truths That Involve Mental Health

Myths And Truths That Involve Mental Health

Mental health is an important factor that allows for the necessary adjustment to deal with positive and negative emotions. Investing in strategies that enable the balance of mental functions is essential for a healthier social life.

In addition to being a determinant for physical stability, mental health is related to the quality of individual and collective interaction. In the current scenario, looking for alternatives that allow harmony in these relationships is an urgent need.

If you are looking for measures that signal the promotion of mental health and the guarantee of fundamental rights associated with well-being and quality of life, this is the way to go.

One of the problems that deserve attention is the myths and truths that involve mental health. Some stigmas and prejudices are still very present in the reality of those who face problems in relation to mental health.

Myths And Truths That Involve Mental Health

Such questions cannot be interpreted as a sign of weakness or character flaw. The truth is that they arise from genetic influence or from clinical, social, and family problems that originated in childhood or adolescence.

Contextually, the biggest truth about mental health is the need to overcome these myths and misconceptions. The lack of knowledge can be very harmful to the patient’s recovery because it prevents the search for adequate solutions to minimize the effects of the problem.

Thus, it is necessary to be careful with fallacious ideas that call into question the work of trained professionals dedicated to the recovery of mental health. Among the most worrying misconceptions, we highlight:

mental illnesses are the brainchild of someone with a confused mind;

all psychological disorders lead to madness;

nor does it help to seek psychiatric help, as no mental maladjustment can be cured;

mentally ill patients are all equally unpredictable or dangerous.

Therefore, it is necessary to combat the dissemination of these stigmas and myths as soon as possible, as they collaborate to increase discrimination associated with mental illness. As a result, many people who need guidance or treatment are ignored or discouraged from seeking help.

Why Don’t People Talk About Mental Health?

When it comes to mental health, there is still a huge taboo, many people have prejudices on the subject, some think that the issue of mental health is “crazy or crazy”, and say: “I don’t need it”, it’s “freshness” it is a “waste of time” and there are even people who are afraid to talk about their emotions and feelings, find it shameful, or those who think mental health is a luxury, and only the rich can enjoy it.

But, make no mistake, do not get carried away by these preconceived ideas and develop them in the wrong way about the theme! Mental health is a fact. Just as our physical body gets sick, so can our mind.

Mental illness exists. Getting mentally ill is by no means a sign of weakness, that you are not good or that you are inferior to others, on the contrary, it shows that you were strong, endured as much as you can, but now you need help. Mental health is a matter for all people, yes.

Why does the mind get sick?

Why does the mind get sick?

Due to the modern context, of this frantic world in which we are inserted, everything changes at an incredible speed, and this requires much more from people, so it is not difficult for mental overloads to occur, whether they are the result of work stress, fears, family problems, affective, rapid social changes, violence, violation of rights, unhealthy lifestyle, among many other factors that can trigger some difficulty in relation to mental health.

This Is The Purest Truth And It Is More Common Than You Think! How Many People Have Constantly Suffered From:

  • Headaches,
  • Muscle aches,
  • Stomach problems,
  • Palpitations,
  • Nervous,
  • Insomnia,
  • Illness,
  • Shortness of breath,
  • Feeling of tightness in the chest,
  • Dry mouth,
  • Tiredness,
  • Shaking,
  • See all
  • Memory problems,
  • Lack of concentration,
  • Impotence,
  • Reflux,
  • Heartburn,
  • Increased appetite,
  • Deregulation of the menstrual cycle,
  • Spots on the body.

As much as medical examinations are performed, these examinations never reveal anything abnormal. This only occurs because suffering is present in the mind, being the result of something that has not been solved correctly, perhaps it is related to trauma, a suppressed emotion, the daily pressures and stress, sudden changes, and everything else that the mind is unable to cope but the body is showing that it needs to be resolved.

Why does the mind get sick?

The Importance Of Mental Health

Undoubtedly, having mental health is something essential and indispensable for you to categorically affirm that you enjoy full and complete health, and this goes far beyond the absence of disorders or physical disabilities. 

The factors that influence a person’s mental health level are diverse and can be associated with both social, psychological, and biological issues, for example, citing socio-economic problems, increased violence, sudden losses, working conditions, psychological factors and personality, genetic factors that can contribute to the chemical imbalance of the brain, violation of rights, etc.

These factors end up undermining mental health and that is why illness arises. The most frequent problems of mental illness found in the general population are:

  • Stress,
  • Anxiety,
  • Chemical dependency,
  • Emotional dependence,
  • Psychotic disorders,
  • Fear,
  • Dementia,
  • Mourning,
  • Anxiety,
  • Panic,
  • Toxic relationships,
  • Among others. 

Depression and anxiety For those who face these conditions it is very important to take the following precautions: Always be informed by reliable and non-hyped sources. In this case, it is essential to evaluate the types of reading, films, and even news to be seen during the period of isolation. If you feel uncomfortable with any of them, it’s time to eliminate them from your routine; Avoid excessive media “consumption” about the pandemic (limit the number of times you check for news); Maintain a physical activity routine at least three times a week, in addition to having healthy sleep and eating habits; 

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) 

OCD is a mental disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that “invade” the mind (obsessions) causing extreme anxiety and by repetitive behaviors (compulsions), often uncontrollable, that are performed in an attempt to relieve anxiety. Obsessive thoughts and compulsions can be related to several themes.