Importance Of Mental Health

Mud Water Reviews: Is This Mushroom Coffee the Real Deal?

Though coffee tastes good and keeps us alert, it has side effects on our health. Addiction to coffee cannot give us a healthy lifestyle. But what if we can have a substitute for coffee? It would be great! 

Mud Wtr (pronounced as Mud water), founded by Shane Heath, is a substitute for coffee. 

Product Overview

Mud Wtr is a substitute for coffee that is made up of organic ingredients. It has 1/7th the amount of caffeine in coffee. Mud Wtr improves your focus, provides you natural vitality, and many health benefits without creating crashes and jitters.

You can think of mud Wtr as an energy drink. The motive of this drink is to provide you with a healthy lifestyle. 

Ingredients used in MUd wtr

  • Organic cacao
  • Masala chai
  • Turmeric
  • Sea salt
  • Cinnamon
  • Chaga Mushroom
  • Reishi mushroom
  • Cordyceps
  • Lions Mane

MUD\WTR Review: What is it?

Instead of caffeine in coffee, the creators of mud Wtr have put together a unique blend of certain organic ingredients along with making it tasty. Following is the list of the healthy ingredients used in MUd Wtr, while briefly explaining about the same. 

1. Organic cacao

Cacao also called the “food of the gods” due to its health benefits. Cacao is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties, maintaining blood pressure and blood glucose level. The seeds of cacao can also be found in chocolate, coconut butter, and cocoa. 

2. Masala chai

Masala chai is a blend of natural spices like ginger, cardamom, black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg. This blend provides the caffeine required for alertness without restlessness or jitters, along with many health benefits. Masala chai is the soul of Mud Wtr. Cloves, black pepper, and ginger support digestion. 

3. Turmeric

It’s one of the most used flavors worldwide due to its enormous physical and mental health benefits. It helps in treating inflammation, blood pressure, and many other issues.

4. Sea salt

You would probably be surprised by this ingredient. Sea salt provides the required minerals for the body. It helps to maintain a balanced pH level.

5. Cinnamon

It’s a spice that has been prevalent on this planet for many centuries. It provides not only flavor but also health benefits. It’s an alternative for sweeteners, and also contains antioxidants. 

6. Chaga Mushroom

Chaga mushrooms are found growing on birch trees. The drink of Chaga is quite famous in Eastern countries. It contains several minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients. It consists of melanin pigment, which is rich in antioxidants.

7. Reishi mushroom 

Reishi mushroom is called the “king of mushroom.” Reishi has been used extensively in Chinese culture for many centuries. It is mainly added to provide strong immunity.

8. Cordyceps

Cordyceps enhances your physical performance. It provides good stamina and strong energy. 

9. Lions Mane

You can find Japanese and Chinese medicines have had Lions mane as an ingredient for many years. It’s added for enhancing mental performance. It helps to improve your focus and memory. 

Optimal Dosage of Mud Wtr 

As per the MUD Wtr website, it is recommended to add one tablespoon of the powder into a cup of hot water. Additionally, you can add honey, creamer, or anything else, according to your taste. It contains 17 mg of caffeine in one tablespoon of powder.

The drink contains 4g of carbohydrates, about 0.5g of fat and protein with less than a gram. So it overall has 20 calories. 

Benefits of Mud Water

Mud Wtr aims to provide better focus, improved memory, enhanced cognitive abilities, and strong stamina. Unlike coffee, Mud Wtr does not disturb the sleep cycle, and it avoids jitters. 

Some of the other benefits provided by mud Wtr include:

1. Induces alertness without getting addicted

2. Enhances mental health

3. Helps to improve physical performance and stamina

4. Builds stronger immunity and improved health

5. Assists in the treatment of inflammation

Side effects

There are nearly 500 reviews of the Mud\Wtr site. The consumers have appreciated how Mud Wtr has helped them have a better focus without any jitters. They also enjoyed the taste of the drink. 

There were a few customers who didn’t enjoy the taste and felt that their energy was less. 

However, this drink is healthier in comparison with coffee while providing long term health benefits. 

What is the importance of mental health?

What is the importance of mental health?

Normally, we think of the body and the mind as if these two entities were separate from each other. With this, many people see medicine as an area that only takes care of physical health, without taking into account the psychic state.

Comprehensive health care is essential. From it, we can see that the mind is part of the body because it originates in the different synapses of our neurons. Injuries and changes in these cells can cause psychiatric illnesses. Likewise, our sense of well-being influences the whole body.

Why Does It Happen?

 Our entire body is monitored and controlled by the nervous system. The main information about our functioning is transmitted by neurons. They release substances called neurotransmitters to communicate with each other and with other cells, especially those in the endocrinological and immune systems. All of this is what is called neuro immuno endocrine integration.

Nothing happens in our body without our nervous system, which also includes the brain, which is nothing more than our mind. Bodily functions are integrated by billions of neurons, releasing neurotransmitters that receive information about metabolism and the external environment, and send commands to other organs. Taking care of the body, therefore, is also taking care of the mind – and vice versa.

What Is The Difference Between Mental Health And Mental Illness?

Health encompasses all the positive factors – the balance between our organism and the environment – that preserve the well-being and physical integrity. Illness is the process that affects this balance.

When we talk about mental health care, we are not restricting ourselves to treating diseases that are already installed: we are alerting people to the promotion of good habits and the prevention of the processes that lead to psychic illness.

Happier people have a reduced risk of illness. The relationship is also reversed: good physical health prevents the development of mental illness. 

This Is Amply Proven By Science:

personal happiness and satisfaction are related to good habits, such as physical exercise and healthy eating. In turn, people with depressed moods are more predisposed to chronic diseases and to abandon body care;

various types of cancer and infectious diseases are related to stress. Do you know when someone says that immunity has fallen because of negative emotions or difficult periods in life? This occurs due to a substance called cortisol, which is released in adverse situations and reduces the action of the defense cells;

even when they are not associated with bad habits, people who report anxious or depressive symptoms live less than the others.

How To Have Good Mental Health?

The first step is to understand the immense benefits of taking care of our emotions, feelings, and behaviors. With well-being, you will be better able to:

  • Realize its full potential;
  • Dealing with challenging, adverse or stressful events, and situations;
  • Learn better and develop intelligence;
  • Having more pleasure in their social and affective activities;
  • Work more productively;
  • Contribute to the people around you and society as a whole.
  • According to the State Department of Health of Paraná, the main points of mental health care:
  • Being well with yourself and others;
  • Accept the demands of life;
  • Knowing how to deal with good and unpleasant emotions, but which are part of life;
  • Recognize your limits and seek help when needed.

It is important to remember that everyone can show signs of psychological distress at some stage in life. To keep your mental health up to date, here are some tips:

  • Maintain positive feelings with yourself, with others, and with life;
  • Accept yourself and other people, with their qualities and limitations;
  • Avoid consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, and medications without a prescription;
  • Do not use drugs;
  • Practice safe sex ;
  • Set aside time in your life for leisure, socializing with friends and family;
  • Maintain good eating habits, sleep well and practice physical activities regularly.
  • If you need a conversation and/or help, look for a psychology specialist. These professionals have all the knowledge to evaluate your case and to devise a care plan so that you learn to deal with your mental health.
How To Identify Mental Illness

How To Identify Mental Illness

It is not always possible to differentiate mental illness from normal behavior. For example, it can be difficult to differentiate between normal grief caused by grief and depression itself in people who have suffered a significant loss, such as the death of a spouse or child, because both include sadness and depressed mood. Likewise, deciding whether the diagnosis of an anxiety disorder applies to people who are worried and stressed due to their work can be challenging most people will experience at some point. The dividing line between having certain personality characteristics (for example, being methodical or organized) and having a personality disorder (for example, obsessive-compulsive disorder) can be tenuous. Thus, it is better if mental illness and mental health are considered to be part of a continuous spectrum. An eventual dividing line is usually based on the following requirements:

The Severity Of The Symptoms

  • How long the symptoms last
  • How symptoms affect the ability to function in daily life 


  • Currently, mental illness is considered to be caused by a complex interplay of factors, including factors:


  • Biological (physical factors)
  • Psychological
  • Environmental (including social and cultural factors)

Research has shown that genetic factors influence many mental health disorders. Often, a mental health disorder occurs in a person whose genetic makeup makes them vulnerable to these disorders. This vulnerability, together with the stresses of life, for example, problems with family or work, can give rise to the development of a mental disorder.

Besides, many experts believe that a dysfunction in the control of chemical messengers in the brain (neurotransmitters) can contribute to mental health disorders. Diagnostic imaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PTE), often show changes in the brains of people with a mental health disorder. For this reason, many mental health disorders appear to have a biological component, similar to disorders that are considered neurological (for example, Alzheimer’s disease ). However, it is not yet clear whether the changes seen in imaging studies are the cause or result of mental health disorders.


In recent decades, a movement has emerged to bring mentally ill people out of institutions (deinstitutionalization) and support them so that they can live in a community. This movement was made possible with the development of effective drugs in conjunction with some changes in attitude towards the mentally ill. Due to this movement, a greater emphasis was placed on the view that people with mental illness belong to families and communities. A US Supreme Court decision in 1999 contributed significantly to this change. This decision, called the Olmstead decision, requires states to provide mental health treatment in communities whenever this initiative is considered medically appropriate.

How To Identify Mental Illness

Research shows that certain interactions between a person with severe mental illness and family members can improve or worsen mental illness. In this sense, family therapy techniques have been developed that avoid the need to readmit people with chronic mental illnesses in mental health institutions. Today, the family of a person with a mental illness is more involved than ever in treatment, as an ally. The general practitioner also plays an important role in the reintegration of the person with mental illness into society.

Besides, since there has been an improvement in the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy, there is a lesser chance, compared to what was formerly, that people with mental illness who needed to be hospitalized need to be placed in isolation or containment. Besides, they are often discharged and transferred to daycare centers within a few days. These daycare centers cost less than institutions that inpatient patients because they need less staff, emphasize group therapy instead of individual therapy, and patients spend the night at home or in hostels instead of in the hospital.

However, deinstitutionalization has brought its problems. The necessary treatment and protection against damage that used to be offered in institutions have not been properly replaced by community mental health services due to a lack of financial resources. Thus, many people have failed to receive the mental health care they need. Besides, current laws now prevent people with mental illness who do not pose a risk to themselves or society from being admitted to mental health institutions or medicated against their will. Thus, many people who fall ill again outside the hospital become homeless or end up in prison. Many of them die young due to exposure to the elements, infection, or medical problems without proper treatment.

Due to problems related to deinstitutionalization, new types of treatment, such as assertive community treatment (ACT), have been developed. They assist in forming a safety net for people with serious chronic mental illness. TCA uses a team of social workers, rehabilitation specialists, counselors, nurses, and psychiatrists (a multidisciplinary team). The team provides individualized services to people who suffer from severe mental illness and who cannot or do not want to seek medical help or a clinic. The services are provided in the person’s own home or the neighborhood, for example, in restaurants, parks, or nearby stores.

Where does the treatment have to be? In the community. Hence this idea of ​​territorial, community treatment. You have to know more closely what is happening in the neighborhood, what is happening inside that house, in that person’s life, so that solutions can arise and you can contribute with some kind of solution to what we call crises.

In the understanding of a psychosocial model of care, which governs psychiatric reform, it is a model that does not believe that illness is the result of only neurochemical deregulation. We are biology. No one is denying that. On the contrary, there is no such separation. The human being is a darn complex animal. He has emotions, affections, and cultural issues. You don’t get sick the same in all cultures. If you go there with indigenous peoples or other communities, you will see that the ways of suffering are not the same.